When using the View/Show Search Panel/new in v8? (which is very good to have) is there a setting to make the Search zoom in what is found on the Schematics or PCB – and also the other way around: When clicking a component in the schematics or on the PCB, to make the Search panel jump to that/those position(s)?
This functionality is in the nightlies and will be in v9. I’m not sure if it’s in v8, but these are the relevant settings in the KiCad Preferences:
(Note I think this is one-way, that selecting an item in the search pane will show it in the schematic / pcb view, but not the other way around).
Thanks JamesJ, the Display Options/Cross-probing options are the same in v8 and v8.99, but it only works (search is zooming in the schematics/PCB, not the other way around) in v8.99… Another bug?
Search Panel works both ways in 8.0.7 8.0.6 & 8.99.
If you “Search Panel” the PCB, the schematic result is zoomed.
If you “Search Panel” the Schematic, the PCB result is zoomed. No problems, no bugs.
Good to hear. Looking forward to 8.0.7!
Sorry, I was ahead of myself. The comment should read 8.0.6. Please see the correction.
It’s not a bug. It just wasn’t implemented.
OK, but no they don’t work similar in 8.0.6 and 8.99 where 8.99 is more useful/intuitive. And the PCB “Net Inspector” and Schematics “Net Navigator” (why different names?) are also added in 8.99, which yet doesn’t do its job 100% regarding automatic highlighting/zooming, or maybe I missed a setting for it.
8.0.6 has View > Show search panel
8.99 has View > Panels > Search, otherwise the two have identical functions with identical results.
It is also worth remembering that 8.99 is a “development” program continually undergoing changes ( sometimes for the worse ). It is not a finished programme. So, rather than often writing “another bug?”, sit on your hands and think JamesJ’s statement:
Ok, do I need to make another boring video?
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