Search component between schematic and pcb

when a scheme becomes different pages and with hundreds of components it becomes difficult to find them to place them in the pcb. For example, the resistors and capacitors of an integrated part that I want to place near them I have to look for them one by one. In pcb with CTR + F I can search for a single component. But this is not practical when you need to look for 200/300 components. Can you select an area in the schematic, and find them highlighted in the pcb?

KiCad 5.01


When importing the netlist / update the pcb from schematic for first time, the footprints are grouped by hierarchical sheets.


when clicking on a symbol in eeschema, the view in pcb should center on it and the footprint should be highlighted in some way.


I see this… is very slow.
Is better to multy select object in schematic .

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