Scripting PCBNEW, module position, auxiliary ref position KiCad 7.01

I’m doing an external plugin and I got this problem:

import pcbnew
import math
import os
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
AttributeError: ‘BOARD’ object has no attribute ‘GetAuxOrigin’

The GetAuxOrigin worked on a 5.1.5 version but not on the 7.1 version.
And one strange thing is that in 22 I was in the same trouble (on 5.1.12 version) and qu1ck bring me the following answer:

and it worked at this time.

anyway, I’m looking for a clue for the 7.1 version now.


board = pcbnew.GetBoard()
settings = board.GetDesignSettings()

Please be a bit more careful with version numbers. For many years KiCad version numbers have two dots and three numbers. Meaning that both V7.01 and V7.1 do not exist.

Or does the OP mean 7.0.11, the most recent V7 release? 7.0.1 is buggy and obsolete

Here’s my version:

One more question for the scripting thing: how to get access to modules position (X, Y, ROTATION).
It seems it has changed.
I’ve found a doxygen on but it not easy to figure out how it works!

I will update to [kicad-7.0.11-rc3…