Screw mount hole

Hi all
How can I obtain a hole like the one I point with my pen in the picture?
I intend to use it as a screw mount hole.


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There are MountingHole footprints in the KiCad footprint library. And MountingHole symbols, too.

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Do I have to put them even in the eeschema schematic?

It’s up to you to decide, there are two different philosophies about that. Either put it in both schematic and board or only in board. In the former case it acts like any other “part” when you e.g. update the board from the schematic. In the latter case you should be careful that you don’t remove the footprint when you update the board from the schematic.


Either locking the footprint that needs protection or never ever choose “delete extra footprints” on import.
I personally prefer the use of the schematic symbol as it will appear in the BOM and make it less likely that i forget to order mounting hardware.


I also prefer to put the mountingholes on the schematic, so I never forget to order them.
As an in between you can put them on the schematic, but outside of the printable area.
I often also use that to (quasi) temporarily store schematic fragments.


I put them in the lower left corner of the schematic myself as one of the first things and then onto the board. If they have to be there might as well work around them from the beginning instead of trying to move stuff around to fit them in later.


Untill recently I also tended to overcrowd my schematics, which made things like the mounting holes and almost everything else hard to fit properly.

And then, when you’re trying to move a few of the sub schematic blocks for the umpth time you realize that you’re wasting a lot of time this way.

Lately I’m leaning ever more on hierarchical schematics.
Just a few voltage regulators, with buffer and decoupling caps and connectors is enough reason to put them on a separate sheet.
It realy does not matter that the sheet is only 1/4 filled.


if your mounting holes will be like the one pictured, with a pad on one (or both) sides connected to a zone, then putting them in the schematic will give you the ability to have KiCAD help you by telling you if you’ve failed to connect them to the proper net.

I put them on the schematic as a 1x1 connector and wire them to ground.
(I put a text note they are mounting holes.)
I define the footprint as the mounting hole I want
This way I can easily define the footprint, and the netlist makes sure they get sucked in.
If I need, I can edit the footprint pad.

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