Schematics component libraries - Add vs Insert?

when adding a .lib file in Eeschema, under Preferences -> Component libraries, there are two buttons that I don’t quite understand.

There is both an Add button and an Insert button.What is the difference?

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Add button adds library to the end of the list. Insert adds library above selected element on the list. Remember that libraries are searched in order as shown on this list.


Outstanding- I just had the same question. Thank you!

Could this be added to the ‘Reference manual’? Could these explanations also be added to the next release (5.0?) to appear when a user hovers over the buttons next to the ‘User defined search path’ like it does when hovering over the ‘Component library files’ buttons?

Not sure who to send that request to.

Thanks again!

Given there are “up” and “down” buttons already, is there any point in keeping both options (Add and Insert)?

If both options are still wanted, I would rename them “Add before” and “Add after”. Using two different verbs gives the impression of being different things (as in not just the order).


That would be much more concise and less confusing. Not sure how to let the developers see this to consider it though.

EEschema is being refurbished to have a similar library structure and methodology as PCBnew in the future (10+ months).
There will be no one investing time into doing much work on the outdated interface for the outdated symbol libs :wink:

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It makes sense then to wait for the revamped version. Thanks for replying.