Schematic sheet hierarchy off screen

Hi All,

I’ve been working away for a few days with kicad v6 and suddenly when I went to select another schematic sheet I noted that the selector tool had moved mostly off my screen. I run dual screens, one laptop and the other external. Does anyone know how to reset the positioning?


Do tell which version of KiCAD are you using and on which operating system (the best way to accomplish this is to click on Help->About KiCad->Copy Version Info and paste the result here).

In Windows I would try to use the Win key + arrows to move a windows around, or minimize and maximize the window or do not use full screen mode, open the selector tool. Just ideas.


As I mentioned above, it is V6, specifically 6.0.10 running on Windows 10.
I did manage to fix it by resizing the bottom bar which was just visible and this in return exposed the title bar.
Many thanks for your reply.


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On Linux operating systems you can usually grab a window on any location by holding the [Alt] key (before normal grabbing with the left mouse button). I don’t know if there is an equivalent for that on windows.

I found that using the WIN key and the left arrow minimized the window so there are a couple of ways to get control back. Thanks all for the suggestions.

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