Schematic Drawing Sheet + Search Bug?


On my recent projects, I developed a new drawing sheet template for my team. Where essentially the first page is the revision page which has a predefined table for putting in revision, date, author, and description of the revision/changes. Where you then put the top level sheet on the right of that and go into to proceed to do the schematic.

I have this setup only show this on the first page, with the following sheets being empty (except component symbols of course) and only having the title block in the bottom right.

So the bug is, that for some reason, whenever I search a reference designator of some component on the schematic.
And then click find, it goes to that part on a sheet which then shows the first drawing sheet overlaid on the schematic - attaching photo to show.

But if I go out of this sheet, then go back in… its fine and that first drawing sheet isn’t there… shown below:

Additional notes that may be helpful:

Appears to be only on the first search immediately after opening the schematic for the first time (searching from any sheet except the sheet that the part being searched is on). Cause if you come out of the sheet then go back in, it disappears as I said. Now after that if you try and search, it’ll go to the part without the drawing sheet background issue - no matter which sheet you perform the search from.

Something I noticed that I figured I would share - will report the bug. And if this is not the place to share such stuff then feel free to delete this post.

It’s always important to post your exact KiCad version when talking about bugs
There is another thread which looks related and its not clear if you have the same bug or are facing a side effect of the fix

Indeed, when I went to report the bug, it reminded me of this and that I need to update the build to most recent release. Bug was from 6.0.6 - I downloaded 6.0.8 and am now not experiencing the bug.

Sincerely apologize, and please remove this post if possible as it is fixed in the most recent release.

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