Schematic blocked when displaying errors


Kicad 8.0.7, Ubuntu 24 April release.

I have the following problem: I have a fresh designed schematic, and I have just switched to PCB
and generated it. I have I bunch of errors (unassigned footprint), that I wanted to correct. But
as long as the popup displays, there is no way to interact with the schematic. Ideally, I would like
to check the first element, assign it a footprint and so on. One workaround I found was to
make a screen copy before disabling the panel, but I think I’m not the only one facing this
problem, and there is probably a more straight approach.

How is this usually done?

Thanks for any hint.

I’m on the same KiCad version but at Win - these dialogs are never modal. I just tried to open both ERC and DRC dialogs and while open I still can interact with both schematic and pcb editors. Is this a OS thing or is just another window open that is modal? This sometimes happen to me and then I have to search this window/dialog that sometimes is hidden behind other open things…
Could you close your whole project and check once more at a newly opened project with both schematic and pcb open?

Works here on opensuse Linux on 8.0.6. I can move the ERC window out of the way and interact with the schematic. Check that you don’t have a modal popup dialog somewhere you have to dismiss.

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