Schema not creating net

Ah, ok, bit thick there :slight_smile: (quitting is possibly not a bad option … :slight_smile: )

And yes, would start by getting bug-checker in schema satisfied…

OK, but that symbol is taken from the “webb”, and also it shows hidden pads, would the bug-checker not detect that, also, since first it complained not connected (the arrows).

And to clarify my meaning. It is possible to have several operating systems in one computer. Best way to do that is having a separate hard disk for each OS. Nothing is lost and Win 10 in SSD disk runs newest KiCad fine. And georgs XP would probably run too in its turn. I am now using Win 10 with KiCad, and yesterday it was Win 7. Switching is easy with this PC, and probably with others too.

Ok, so guess the unanimous is to change. Will let my fast and furious XP run the coding, and have schema on W10

which Kicad version is recommended ?

Last stable = 7.0.9.
If you want to take part in checking new features then the pre V8 version = 7.99.

When V8 will be released you can switch to it at once, or wait month or two till most critical bugs will be found and fixed.

Ok, thanks but no thanks. Will have a good time crawling to the surface of any new version … (probalby I will have a lot to say about the old one… even the “good old 4” I had some on, expecially the lack of good documentation (just didnt find ?) , about files, and symbold, and libraries, and their interrelation and dependencies, kind of chart or map…)
Actually, would have hoped for a 7.1.xx or so before taking another step(8), … consolidation…
Ok thanks all. Possibly be back…

And of cause. Recommended using 7-zip to unpack dmg, but it says something like “compression not supported…”, so as usual, every thing shifts away under your feet. Nothing is stable, all is allways new. …

Forget about that speculation of mine. Your issues are probably something more basic like broken connections.

have cleaned up, or tried to, it was interresting, it went in circles, and came back complained and I deleted track and reinserted (all GND connects), and that was satisfactory, but came back to same place later. After x number of interations, there was only complaint about one, which was not possible to mend by deletion/reinsert of track. So there somewhere I lost tracktion and started to think of upgrade, and now stuck on 7-zip to old, regression… And the net for 7805 still missing.

7zip? DMG? DMG is a package format for Macs. Are you trying to install on a Mac? AFAIK you double click on the DMG to install. Do you have another computer with a more recent OS now?

Better start a new topic for your installation travails. No need to overload this topic with another issue.

Yes indeed. So where can I find a short text document on how to install the 7.0.9 Kicad on a W10.

On the download page there should be an executable installer. Don’t pick the lite version, that has no libraries.

Have you ever installed any software at Windows PC?
The instruction is as for most of them: Take the package and run it.

I would not call V4 good. When I installed 4.0.7 the V5 was ‘just soon’ so I decided to only do one test design using V4 and wait till V5. V5 at least solved the via stitching problem.

Sorry, I don’t understand.
Do you know of serious lack in KiCad V7 user interface so modifications are needed?

So Im back. Have installed 7.something. First impression is that it is quite charmfree, sterile. It changed language to my swedish, though I never ordered it. (Hate things that do “intelligent” things without consent. And hiding essential functions instead of explaining. Guess the world is too complex). Enough.

The “error” is still there. It refuses to make a net for a small part. Then, it seems, I dont really see, but it seems, not to want to make (draw track) between pads that dont have a net in common (PCBnew).


You not, but what about your operation system?

As they don’t have common net then they are not to be connected. Keeping an eye on it is one of the main tasks of PCB design software. If you don’t want such control, you use a graphics editing program.

Arghh, too rigid, of cause it should render a serios warning. Well Im no expert as said.

So how do I get the net, in order to connect, since I cannot override gods decisions.

I should think that will be on your schematic as it should be, there is flexible and then there is daft as to me designing a circuit involves connecting nets together in a schematic. I’m sure I should read the entire thread as I can’t believe it has boiled down to ‘how do I create a circuit’ I mean how is the rest of your circuit connected. So now you have version ‘7 something’ installed this would be a good time to go back to basics and discover all the new features in your tool box or better still V8 is just round the corner.

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OP I would think you have been on this forum long enough to be able to post attachments. So pack your project with File > Archive project and attach to your post. All the “this doesn’t work” verbal description is a poor way to diagnose the problem. Also show your version information from Help > About KiCad > Copy version info and paste as text in your post.

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Application: KiCad Schematic Editor x64 on x64

Version: 7.0.9, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.3
FreeType 2.12.1
HarfBuzz 8.2.1
FontConfig 2.14.2
libcurl/8.4.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.3

Platform: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
Date: Nov 5 2023 19:26:40
wxWidgets: 3.2.3 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.83.0
OCC: 7.7.1
Curl: 8.4.0-DEV
ngspice: 41
Compiler: Visual C++ 1936 without C++ ABI

Build settings:

sometimes its the process that makes you learn, as well…
and yes, thanks! Catty for helping out :slight_smile:

Ok, it’s not too bad, ERC throws up 3 errors:


The first is a stray bus entry wire in the middle of the IC that is connected to nothing. You probably created it by accident. Delete it. This might be tricky but learn to zoom and use rectangle selection to select it first.

The second is a short between PC0 and PC3 labels. One is global and the other is normal. Use one or the other but not both because global labels will override normal ones, as the message says.

The last can be fixed by adding a PWR_FLAG to GND (anywhere on the net). You can read the documentaiton about when to use PWR_FLAG.

Ok, that should get you started. The layout has a lot of DRC errors and this is because the libraries were rearranged between 4 and 7 so the names changed. You’ll need to reassign footprints. Ask about that in another topic when you get there.