.sch File corupted

Hi Out There!
Who can tell me what went wrong with my Shematic? It now looks like this:

How can i repair the file?
Hope someone can help me.

Try going to Tools, Manage Symbol Libraries, and check that the paths to the symbol libraries exist, or update it if needed. See also the “Project-specific” tab, there might be also paths to update there.

Don’t Panic!

It looks horrible. I know.
It is likely though that it is just a small thing.

In KiCad versions up to V5.1.x the symbols themself (and therefore their graphics) are not stored in the schematic. Instead, the schematic has a link to a library for each of them, and when there is something wrong with the libraries, then Eeschema can not find the graphics for the symbols and it shows the question marks in squares, and that is why ferdymercury suggests to manage your symbol libraries.

It is therefore not in your schematic file. Your schematic is just fine. To resolve the issue, you have resolve the issue wit your library setup. Hover the mouse above one of the question marks, then Press e to edit (and view) the properties and note what library name and symbol it’s trying to access. Then follow those links through KiCad until you get to the actual files on your HDD.
Therefore, you have to fix the libraries.

On top of this forum there is the text FAQ in friendly blue letters. If you click it, you get to about 50 different subjects about various aspects of KiCad. You can search the FAQ for library management for more.

It’s also related to the “rescue dialog”, so also check: https://forum.kicad.info/search?q=rescue%20category%3A19

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Hi paulvdh, Hi ferdymercury,
thanks for your help. Finaly after Hours of searching i found that the .dcm file was missing.
Only 3 lines of code missing will spoil the whole shematic.
What is:
EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0

#End Doc Library

doing. Is this only saying plesae do the Version 2 encoding?

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