Rule Area, Enter/Moving Points


In v8, drawing a keepout rule, how to precisely move a point by entering a value rather than moving it with a mouse?

If I click a node and shift+M it always affect entire object.

I am also missing coordinates under Properties window, which could show object coordinates when entire keepout rule is clicked or individual when a node is selected.

Thanks, Uros

how to precisely move a point by entering a value rather than moving it with a mouse?

A general table with all points for a rule area is not available (this could be a task for some python plugin). But you could move individual points to a defined position:

  • select the rule area → all handle points of that rule area are displayed
  • hover mouse pointer over one corner/midpoint → RMB-click -->context menu → Shape modification → Move corner/midpoint To…

If you need this command often: you could assign a hotkey to this command (filter hotkey list with “corner”)

Note there seems to be a bug with the sign of the coordinates in the input box for the destination coordinates. move corner point To: ignores global coordinate direction setting (#17550) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab