Does anyone know of a free app to either view or convert the ‘.rpt’ file that is generated in a DRC? I can open in Notepad but formatting is odd.
Does anyone know of a free app to either view or convert the ‘.rpt’ file that is generated in a DRC? I can open in Notepad but formatting is odd.
It’s just a normal text file.
To have a common reference: (1.6 KB)
Which looks like:
“Notepad” implies you’re using windows, and it’s not a very capable text editor. The most common problem with text editors are the line endings, which can be any sort of combination of line feed and carriage return characters. It’s one of those messy things that never got properly resolved.
Notepad++ is a very well regarded and powerful text editor for windows. A long time ago I used SciTe, and now my default text editor is Geany, but I think that’s Linux only. The screenshot above is from Xed.
Thank you. I will get Notepad++
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