Routing grid changed

Doing placement and routing for a couple of days, things were going ok.
Now the routing grid is too wide. I can’t get as close to other traces as I could yesterday. Maybe I accidentely changed something but everything looks good.

I’m not sure the grid has as much to do with this as clearance values. You should be able to get as your clearance allows. Have you been into ‘netclasses’?

You’re right about the clearances. I thought about netclasses but I never changed them.

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I do not understand what is going on, you need to give a better description of what is going wrong.

For example, if the PCB Editor / Route / Interactive Router Settings is in the Shove mode, then it does not care much about the grid, because tracks are shoved aside while respecting netclass clearances.

I think I must have had the router in shove mode all along and didn’t realize it. Guess I took off shove mode at some point. Anyway now its in shove again and things are fine.
Thank you for your time.

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