Route Tracks ignoring overlay


I am routing an eMMC chip and the footprint pads are very close to each other. To follow the design rules for production I need to route a Track over another Pad that internally in the eMMC is not connected, so I can escape the chip.
Now I do not know how I can ignore the overlay protection which is preventing me from putting the Track on the board.
Does someone how I can still put this Track on my board?
Thank you

There are several places to set tolerances if I remember correctly. Your tracks, your pads, etc.

You can use the footprint editor to set some other clearances.

Hi Hermit
I don’t want to do it in the net class as I want to keep the clearance still working at other places. Only at this specific chip I need to allow the routing over another pad.
I checked in the footprint editor, but I have all clearance on zero.

Do you have another idea how to do this?

Why not make this explisit in the schematic? Connect both the pin responsible for that NC pad and the real target pad. That way you will not search for why the ■■■■ this works when you come back to the project 10 years from now.

Yeah, I will do like you said. Was hoping there was an easier way to override the Track placement, but it is what it is.

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