Rotate hierarchical sheets problem

Hi there!

I am currently working on a project where I want to use hierarchical sheets for the first time - super handy stuff!
However, Iran into some trouble when I tried to rorate these sheets - it messes up the locking to the grid I think.
What I ultimately wanted to do basically is to have the hierarchical pins in the main sheet also on top/bottom, while it seems to only be allowed left/right - thus the rotation intentions.

Now I guess if I make the grid resolution crazy small, like 1 mil, it should “solve” the problem, but thats not very handy, is it?

On the picture you can see how I cannot seem to be able to connect wires to the respective hierarchical label on the rotatet sheet.

Any ideas would be very appreciated!


I found out I can fix this manually by editing text in the .sch-file - this way the size & location dont get ■■■■■■ up, I simply have to change “L” or “R” (left/right) to “T” or “B” (top/bottom) for the respective hierarchical pin.

This is how a sheet looks like in the .sch-file:

S 3900 4700 850 850
U 595D08FD
F0 “Batt Meas” 60
F1 “batMeas.sch” 60
F2 “batMeasIn” I T 4200 4700 39
F3 “batMeasOut” O B 4200 5550 39
F4 “GND” I B 3900 5550 39

Also, if the formatting has been f*cked up and you need to “fix” it, it helped for me to change the numbers back to “normal” grid steps in the lines 2 (for the location x location x size x size of the box) as well as for the respective lines where the hierarchical pins are defined, like “F2” - in some cases, the number was “4201” instead of “4200”, which of course means with a 50 mil grid I won’t be able to connect a wire.

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Interesting, rotating of sheets seems to be a bit buggy. I don’t know why we can’t place pins top/bottom instead of just left/right.

Unusually for me KiCad also crashed after I rotated a sheet (v.4.0.6), might be a coincidence.

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Raise a bug. I wasn’t aware of the limitation either. Even if it gets wishlisted, the issue is recorded

Related bug raised recently Hierarchical sheet can’t be shrinked in some cases

Added it to the bug you linked to, thanks davidsrsb.