Rotate group of components 45deg

Is there a way to rotate a group of footprints 45deg?
The Rotate shortcut rotates only 90deg.
For a single footprint I can rotate 45deg by it’s properties, but can’t do it with the Selection / Group.
Any way to do this? 6.0 or 7.0.

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Yes, in 7. Can’t remember with 6 :slightly_frowning_face:
Preferences / Preferences / PCB Editor / Editing Options / Any angle you wish

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It was very similar in V6. Only difference I see is that in V6 there was a limitation of 0.1degree increments, and that has apparently been lifted.


You could also try the “Move exactly” tool:
select group of footprints → RMB-click → Positioning Tools → move exactly.
works with every rotation-angle.


This is a problem with new releases every year… no time to fully exploit the the last release.
Not a complaint, just an observation. Been like this for the last 45 years. Nearly get familiar with the technology then it’s time to throw out the text books and get some new ones.

Maybe I should regress to Windows so I can have 'em all and completely stuff myself up.
Maybe I should have taken up digging holes for a profession… nah, even that has changed!
Maybe it is bed time for me.

Thank you for all your input here.
The “move exactly” solution is what I will usually need (as for standard rotation I prefer to keep at 90deg). I already knew the “move exactly” command exist, but did not expect it to perform transformations. Maybe it is the wording that could be improved.

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