RF plugin, via fence generator won't work

On my PC at home (running Ubuntu 22.04, with KiCAD 7.0.10), the via fence plugin crashes as soon as I click the toolbar button. It give me this error:

via_fence_generator/viafence_action.py, line 355 in Run self.highlightedNetId = self.boardObj.GerHighLightNetCode()

AttributeError: BOARD object has no attribute GetHighLightNetCode

I suspect it’s an environment or configuration issue, since the exact same plugin on my PC at work (running Ubuntu 22.04 as well, with the same KiCAD 7.0.10 installed) works; I even went as far as to erase the entire plugins directory on my home machine (.local/share/kicad/7.0/scripting/plugins) and copied the entire contents from my PC at work. No change. Ran “Refresh plugins” after copying the plugins from the PC at work. No change.

This is the contents of __init__.py on that directory:

# pcbnew loads this folder as a package using import
# thus __init__.py (this file) is executed
# We import the plugin class here and register it to pcbnew

from . import rf_tools_wizards

from . import round_tracks

from . import trace_solder_expander

from . import taper_fz

from . import tracks_length

from . import via_fence_generator

from . import trace_clearance

from . import ViaStitching


[[ Note: ViaStitching does work — well, it works in that it doesn’t crash like the via fence generator; but it’s not really working; it will stick to “Added zero vias” for no reason I can see ]]

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