Reverse pins

I want to reverse the pins here, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 instead of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Is the right procedere to create a new footprint, or can I directly change the pins or will this cause confusion with the schematics?

Usually it is not a good idea to change pin numbers on PCB footprints. What would you think if someone mixed up pin numbers on a DIP package for example? Connectors also have pin 1 markers. Both the squarish number 1 pad , the L shape on the silkscreen and the triangle on the fab layer are pin number 1 markings. If you change this, you get a bigger chance of mistakes during production.

Instead, pin numbers on the schematic are not even expected to be in order. It is very easy to simply mirror or rotate a connector symbol on the schematic. You don’t even have to change the symbol itself.

The easy way is:

  1. Hover over the schematic symbol (no need to click!).
  2. Press m to move the connector. It is now detached from the wires, and attached to the mouse cursor.
  3. Press x or y to mirror in x or y direction, or r to roate the symbol. (All the while the symbol is still attached to the cursor).
  4. Move the mouse until it lines up with the wires again and finalize with a left click.
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