Reverse Engineering


have support for importing a picture been added? ie so that a hi-res picture of and old board can be put on one of the mostly unused layers and then tracks etc can be traced on top of that?

i tried to use bitmap to component

it crashes, could it be due to board size of 420297mm (99217015 pixel) 600 dpi?

Right now there is no real way to do what you want to do.

It is already requested:

bummer, as a workaround i read that i could take the picture in to bitmap to component and load is as a footprint on the eco layers

but bitmap2component keep crashing

Your picture might be too complex for it. It might be much more work to get the picture converted then is worth.

But maybe an idea would be to load your picture into inkscape. Draw over the things that interest you most (Example the position of components. Traces are then easily added assuming you have a schematic.). Export as simple black and white (without the background image) and use that (either go via png and bitmap to component or directly from svg to a footprint via svg2mod)

Another option might be to play around with gimp until you get better contrast in your picture.

i tried to just take a portion of the picture and that helped, so it’s mostly a size problem i think

it’s some custom graphic i need to recreate

but i think the option to load a background picture will be highly valued for those that need to recreate old electronics where they need things to be in the same place etc

is there a way to “upvote” things?

I assume you talk about the bugtracker.
If so then select “this bug does affect me”
This requires you to be logged into launchpad.

you read my mine perfectly, will do that

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