I created an array of SolderWire-0.1sqmm to simulate a protoboard (perboard, veroboard). I placed a single footprint at 1x01 of the SolderWire and then created an array of 100x30. I then selected the whole array and locked it. Then I started placing parts until I got the layout I wanted. The array is far too large. I would like to shrink it or, if necessary, delete it. However, all I’m able to do is select, unlock, then delete the array members one at a time.
So how can I:
Unlock the entire array or
Highlight, unlock, delete part of the array or
Resize the array or
Delete the entire array
I spent a lot of time googling this but found nothing. Perhaps my search terms were bad.
Make sure the Selection Filter in the bottom RH corner has “Locked Items” ticked.
Hold the Left Mouse button down and make a box selection of the entire array.
Right Mouse Button click to show “Select” list.
Choose “Locking > unlock”
Make another box selection of the part of the array you wish to delete.
RMB select delete.
After an array has been created, all items created with the array are just separate items. There is nothing special about the array itself. So you can drag a box around a part of the array, and then delete or move it.
KiCad also has a grouping capability, but that is different. With a group, all items belonging to a group act as one. You can enter a group, and then modify individual items in a group. If you are unable to select a few items in your array, then maybe you (accidentally) made a group out of the array too.
I unticked the “solution” checkbox which you presumably tagged to your own post, and moved it to JMK’s post. The goal of this checkbox is to guide others who are reading the forum later to find answers quicker.