For an edge cut line first select it, then put the cursor on one end (highlighted as a square) and you can push it towards the other end to shorten it, and away to lengthen it.
For a wire grab one end with hotkey g and you can then change the length.
The page frame can be modified with the layout editor, but you can just ignore it, it doesn’t appear in output, printed or plotted, unless explicitly asked for.
Thanks, but…
How do you select it, if it doesn’t want to be selected?
I put the cursor on this edge, and keep clicking… Nothing happens.
Second… what is “Push”? Because on those occasions when I do get a white square on the ends, and click a square to “drag” it, it just pushes the line out the other side. Every time, without fail.
Selecting edge cut is difficult even when zoomed in, but there is a trick. Sweep the pointer from bottom right to top left to include any part of the line. This will select any object that partly lies in the rectangle and the line will be selected. Then you can put the pointer on the square, click and push.
Ah… nice hidden trick. Thanks.
I’ve been spinning my wheels (mouse) trying to capture it from upper left to lower right.
What about adjust the length of a bus?
I ended up deleting everything and re-creating the bus and all the bus wires from it to the IC.
And what I got for that was IC15 which the bus wires connected was duplicated! I had two of them on the board, but only one on the schematic. Half the time I couldn’t delete the extra IC, and when I did, next time I did an Update PCB, the IC came back!
Ctrl-Z all the way back was the only way to get it to stop adding the extra IC15 to my board. So the bus is still needing a length adjustment.
(When I imported from Eagle, the end of the bus has two wires making an X connecting to the IC. The nets are correct, but it just looks suspect)
It may be that you made a copy of the schematic symbol and placed two on top of each other in the schematic.
KiCad differnciates in selecting from right to left and from left to right, but not between up and down. So from bottom left to top right should be the same as from top left to bottom right.
When you zoom in enough, then the board oultines also get very fat, and they become easy to select. KiCad works win nano meter resolution, and you can zoom in on a board outline untill it fills the whole screen.
When editing board outlines, I like to change to a coarse grid. It’s important that endpoints of line segments match to get a closed outline, and a coarse grid makes that easy.
“Buses are adjusted the same way as wires.”
Not, they are not. When I do a move move to select the bus, or double click, the whole bus highlights. There are not any squares on the ends. And when I move the unclicked mouse even a bit, the entire bus moves.
There wasn’t any mention of a “g” action. That appears to do it for busses.
See it re-connected all the pins of IC 6
See it added a new IC6 to the board. There is already an IC6 present on the board.
No matter how many times I delete it, it comes back.
No matter how many times I click on it in the schematic, it takes me to the new one.
When I click either one on the board, it takes me to the same on on the schematic.
When I try to move IC6, it doesn’t ask for clarification. I just moves it. So there is only one IC6
They are not crossed wires. Those “wires” are bus to wire entries and are actually cosmetic, and indeed the bus is also cosmetic, since the connections are conveyed by the labels.
It looks like the conversion had a bug and didn’t make the bus long enough so the entry for pin 3 slanted in the opposite sense from the other pins. You can fix the unsightly look if you wish but it doesn’t affect the netlist.
As for the duplicate footprint, it may be that the reference changed, leaving an orphaned footprint on the PCB. The log should show what happened. Ticking the Delete extra footprints may fix this.
Also, thank for the grid setting advice.
I can just set it to a really coarse value, since I’m happy to deal in 1/4" resolution of the board perimeter.
Just gotta remember to set it back.
As I said the bus and entries are cosmetic and the netlist remains the same so there is nothing of substance to save. Although it could be argued that it has changed visually and should be saved so it may be a bug.
So we’re changing the subject from board outline to schematic cleanup after eagle…
For a lot of things, simply deleting the old stuff, and redrawing new is simpler.
For example, after the Eagle -> KiCad import, the wire labels are very small text, and also look differently from the KiCad default. Editing those one by one takes a lot of time.
I usually (euhm, I do not do that many Eagle imports) replace the labels with normal KiCad local net labels.
The most effective way to do this is:
Select the wire label function.
Click on an empty part somewhere in the schemtic.
enter “D0” for the label text, [Enter] then place the label in an empty area.
Hit [Insert**]** key 7 times. You now have D0 through D7.
Drag a box around all 8 labels.
Press: [Ctrl + C], [Ctrl +V] to make a duplicate of these 8 labels
Use the: R (rotate) and X, Y (Mirror in X or Y direction) keys to get the 8 labels in the direction you want.
Move them to the final destination.
For the next databus attachment, repeat from step 6.
Yes, I know. I should have said “cosmetically crossed”.
It’s a aesthetic thing that I wanted to solve.
As for a "bug, I read elsewhere that bus wires are at 45 degrees. And since this was an Eagle import, the bus length was what you see here. And since the bus wires can’t be horizontal (like Eagle), so the last one was a 45 degree slant the other way.
I understand it. I just wanted it to look better.
As said before, in KiCad, the blue buses, and the slanted bus entries are cosmetic only. KiCad depends on the wire labels for the connections, so the schematic will generate the correct netlist even if you omit the blue buses and green slanted bus entries.
You can also just draw the blue bus wires, over the ends of some wires, without the slanted bus entries if that is vidually more appealing to you.
I said this was only cosmetic.
I am saying a BUS can appear horizontal (or vertical)
I said a BUS WIRE can only be placed at 45 degrees.
And if there is a way to make this BUS WIRE appear horizontal or vertical, please tell me