I have a weird thing that I don’t succeed to sort out. Pretty sure the reason is obvious, but I don’t see it yet.
I have 6 resistors in my schematics that are connected on one side to a chip, and on the other side to a connector, through a global label. Looks simple and error proof. But when I generate the net list, I get both resistor pins connected together, on the same net:
What does the highlight net tool tell you?
What happens if you grab one of the resistors and move it around?
Do you have any ERC errors reported?
General tip: avoid using global labels if they are not necessary. Using global labels limits reusability. Local labels are to be preferred for linking things on the same sheet.
You don’t show the µC side of the wires. Did you also use labels next to the µC that match the name of the global labels that you are using to connect the resistors to the connector?
Also, not related to your question, I spotted another error. On the connector’s pin3 you appear to have the label backwards. The circle on the connector pin shows that it is not connected, and the square on the global label symbol shows the connection point. Either mirror the label (I forget if this works) or rotate it 180° (I know this will work, but takes two actions) to get the connection you want.
Thanks, you both put me back on track. This was an issue about local labels and global ones, with the same name, on both sides of the components (one side being the chip side).
My design reused a sort of export from an Altium project. This helped get some rights things (like some critical footprints and a basis to start from), but was quite far from a clean build from scratch. There some legacies that helped up to some points, like those labels, but generate issues further.
Removing extra labels and having unique names helps
Something you may want to consider at some point, if you have a bunch of like-value resistors all in the same place you may want to consider using a resistor array (also called resistor network). The most common types are “bussed” and “isolated”.
For this case, you would want the isolated type, they are basically a single package that have several individual resistors inside. You will have the same number of pins to solder (and in some cases more if you don’t use all the resistors in the array), but you will only have to insert (and buy) one component instead of up to 8. The cost per resistor element can also be lower doing it this way.
The bussed resistor arrays are good if you have a bunch of pull-up or pull-down resistors. In these arrays one end of all the resistors are connected to a single pin. Last time I looked, I think I remember seeing symbols in the standard libraries for both types of resistor arrays, both as single symbols and as multi-part symbols (one part per resistor element) for the isolated arrays.
not related to your original question but you’ve one PWR connector +3.3V & another +3V3… i hope its intentional… just saying coz its an easy mistake to make…
also you can add ~ before text to make label names with a ‘bar’ instead of using that ‘’
see the attached image