Requesting symbols and footprints for Loadcell sensor 24 bit ADC

Can I get symbol and footprint for Loadcell sensor 24 bit ADC – HX711/weighing sensor?hx711-2

I already reffer footprint on snapeda of hx711( ).But some difference of pins are in between what i need module and what i got.So do i edit that footprint or what to do please let me know .I am new to this software so,looking forward to get proper solution for it.

Learning how to make symbols and footprints is an essential part of making electronics. It is not as hard to do as you might expect.

And in general if you request library assets for some part then it is customary to at least provide a direct link to the datasheet (bonus points if you list the page numbers that hold the relevant information)
or even better screenshots of the datasheets relevant pages.


Or if you don’t want to do that, at least learn to use samacsys and snapeda

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footprint looks like a SOIC-16 :slight_smile:

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Depends. Is the component shown on an example board or is the board itself the component. The former case might be a SOIC-16 but in the later case then it will simply be a number of pin headers with i suspect 2.54mm grid spaced correctly.

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Thank for the information.

hey,I already reffer footprint on snapeda of hx711( some difference of pins are in between what i need module and what i got.So do i edit that footprint or what to do please let me know .I am new to this software so,looking forward to get proper solution for it.

Make your own footprint. You need to learn how to make your own footprints, not just requesting from others to feed your laziness.
Sorry it this sounds rude, but …
In any EDA package, you have to learn to make your own footprints if your package already do not have one.
HX711 MODULE is just what it is, relevant components on a PCB. Creating a footprint for that module should take no more than 5 minutes (you will need a measuring device to measure relevant distances on your module).
Rene gave you relevant links from where you should start learning process of designing footprints.

Yes Sir. I am trying to do by myself also but i face some problems while creating thats for only referrence purpose i requested that.My intention is not spoon feeded and laziness.If you felt it then extremly sorry for it.I am following the refference link as provided in comments.

Hello! The part you are seeing on SnapEDA is the load cell amplifier - HX711 from Sparkfun.

The one that you are needing is from Mybotic and it has a different PCB footprint, you’ll have to manually edit it or you can request it on SnapEDA!

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thank you so much Eliictro.


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