Report of Program Crash when Inputting Superscript Characters in KiCad 8.0.0

When entering superscript characters in the Value field of a component and performing a copy & paste operation, KiCAD 8.0.0 crashes
Are other people experiencing the same phenomenon?

You might give 8.0.1-rc2 a try. I found some copy/paste-related issues in 8.0.0 that I cannot repeat now in 8.0.1-rc2.

One was an occasional crash after editing the Text field of a component in the property manager.

I’ve just tried putting a superscript in a Value field, and it seems to copy/paste fine for me. However, I don’t have 8.0.0 installed anywhere, so I can’t try it on that version.

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Always give the KiCad version and OS info in this sort of post