Replace netclass directive with other symbols Eg vcc - >

Total noob here, figured I’d learn kicad by copying a schematic.

Obviously I fd up.

The original used the same symbol for things like vcc as kicad uses for directives.
Being ignorant, I figured it was a standard industry symbol, and plowed ahead.

Is there a way to easily replace all of the same directives with the arrow symbols?

Alternatively, can the netclass definition have a drop down for “all connected” or “common rail” instead of them all being a bus?

Is there a way to easily replace all of the same directives with the arrow symbols?

No. You will to search manually for the netclass directive labels, delete them and add a power symbol at that place.

two recommendations:
Following the “getting started” tutorial is a little boring, but it will introduce you to the kicad GUI and all basic functions.
For future questions please inform the reader about the used kicad version (v8.0.x), because some answers depend on features present only on recent versions.

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It’s a bit disappointing that there aren’t more advanced search and replace functions.

Manually… Might take a while.

I guess I can try hacking the files. Now to remember regex :woozy_face:

It’s a bit disappointing that there aren’t more advanced search and replace functions

There are functions to replace symbols with other symbols, and also for replacing text/labels with other text/labels.

But there are no functions to replace a item with a completely different type item. This doesn’t make sense normally.

Working directly with the kicad files (formatted s-expression) could work, but that’s not my core competence.