RenumKiCadPCB does a geographical re-annotation of a PCB then modifies the schematic and netlist.
I have moved RenumKiCad PCB to Github and released version 0.352.
This version fixes a bug regarding module layers and corrects what is essentially a KiCad issue in the behavior of an undocumented schematic file feature. I have tested it to the extent I can but, of course, real test is when users use it.
I am currently re-writing RenumKiCadPCB from scratch in c++ to teach myself c++ and to prepare for integration with KiCad. The devs have expressed an interest in having geographical reannotation in V6 but that can’t proceed until certain features are specified for V6. Strictly speaking these are not required for the functionality, but the lead developers want things done a certain way and they know so much more than I do about the subject I have to assume they have very good reasons.
Regardless, once RenumKiCad PCB has been fully ported to c++ (V0.4) I will attempt to add a proper GUI based on wxWidgets, which is what KiCad uses. This will be V0.5.
After V0.5, the structure of the program should be such that incorporation into KiCad should be straightforward.
I expect to add a few feature to allow changing the angle of DES, Value, and User text fields. In addition it will be possible to align module text fields with each other or center on the module. I have noticed that because of various choices regarding module origin, rotation, and so forth, the text fields end up being more or less randomly placed and it is a pain to select each one, rotate it, drag it, and so on. At least like this there would be a consistent starting point.
Re-writing the code has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the various file formats and so on. It is a bit embarrassing to realize how things could have been done better.
In any event, that is my plan. Any feedback, suggestions, etc., would be appreciated.