Rename units in a multi-part component


If I create a multi-part component is it possible to rename UNIT A UNIT B etc to more descriptive names, or add descriptions to the units?

I have a 244 pin component I would like to separate into blocks e.g. “Power” “GPIO” etc. I can’t seem to find anything relevant by searching, maybe Google-fu is broken.

This is a interesting concept. Even when using BGA ICs or module (like beagle bone).
If you don’t find any solution, I propose to request this feature to developers.

This was discussed on developer mailing list, so it’s on the radar and it should come in V6

Ah well. I was hoping if it’s not in the UI I could manually edit the file but I can’t do that if it’s not supported in the file format either.

I suppose in the meanwhile I can add a text label to each unit, add them all then move/delete them as required.

While you can’t put it in the name, you can certainly have it as text in the symbol graphic (which can be different in the different units). That way you don’t have to try to identify the unit’s function by staring at the pin names and guessing. :wink:

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