Reload _external_ footprint changes while KiCAD is running?

BZR6608, Win7 64bit

Outside of KiCAD (File browser) I have copied some footprint files (.kicad_mod) into a pretty folder that is already known to the running instance of KiCAD.

How do I get KiCAD to check this folder for changes?
any button somewhere?

For symbols this is pretty easy - just open the Preferences>Component Libraries dialog and exit it with [OK].
Any external changes will be applied to the running instance of KiCAD.
This is not working with footprints, i.e. opening the Library Manager doesn’t do this kind of reloading of what’s in the files/folders.

found a workaround…
Open the >Preferences>Library Manager and then append the folder (footprint library) with the wizard under another name (simple add a ‘2’ to the name for example).
Close the dialog.
Check the original library with the browser and see the new footprints have being loaded.
Reopen the library manager and remove the 2nd instance of the library.

Unfortunately no. There are similar issues with schematic symbols in eeschema. One way or another the workaround is a real nuisance; a “refresh libs” button would be nice - it would be a very convenient fix and it doesn’t depend on those awful buggy file/directory watching tools.

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