In kicad 7.0.6 under windows 10.
I’ve added a project specific symbol library.
But it only work with an absolute path and not a relative path
and the lib is c:\cartes\mylib.kicad_sym
In the manage symbol librairy, if I add
c:\cartes\mylib.kicad_sym it’s working.
but if I add
…\mylid.kicad_sym , then kicad does not find any symbol in my lib.
is there a way to avoid the full path (As I want to share my project with other people), And I’ve got more than one board, that is why the lib is not inside the project directory as it is shared between my projects
I used the symbol librairie link tool to change my symbols.
I copy each symbol one by one in the new lib in the symbol editor.
For the footprint, I’ve used the edit symbol field to get the list of footprint. Then export to csv. I’ve got the list of footprint, to copy in my new lib.
In the end I’ve change the footprint librairie name in my file (kicad_sch and kicad_pcb) by doing a search an remplace in a text editor.
Not pretty but it works.
Now I still have the path issue for my new librairies. I wonder why the relative path is not working.