Thanks. I suppose that is possible. But why would this have happened maybe 5 times only in the last couple of weeks?
Of course this is not a big problem. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced similar. And if so, might there be a bug in the forum itself, or something to learn about how it is working…?? Anyway it has not repeated since I reported it.
Well anyway I have a bunch of old posts mixed in with the new ones I see when I click on my avatar. Those posts are out of date or out of (fig or some other fruit.)
I think if you don’t click on an item it remains with the blue circle with number of ‘new’. Notice the top item doesn’t have a blue circle and number? So, you get a new like and your account alerts. Top item is still there but not relevant.
I guess I will need to try a bit of record-keeping to see whether anything re-appears at any time after clicking on it. But this never used to happen before 2-3 weeks ago.
Thanks again. I had not noticed the “dismiss” button. In response to your post, I hit it and some of the list seemed to go away. Now I no longer see a working “dismiss button”.
I guess I am baffled by some of the mechanics of this forum, but I like it MUCH better than eevblog (or eevblob for that matter.)
OK. Thanks. I got a red circle with a line through it, sort of like the Ghostbusters (is that a meme?). and it says to mark all unread as read. Maybe I can only see that if I am notified of something new. I cannot see that button again now in any color.
Yes OK. I can only see any sort of dismiss button when I have a bloo circle to click on.
It remains to be seen whether my original question has been sent running away with it’s tail between its legs, or whether it will return at some unexpected moment to chew on my pants leg.
Especially if the attention does not get any of the peeple it seeks.