Ratsness points / leads to a trace on the opposite side of the board

[ Win 11 / Kicad 8.0.1 ]

Ratsnest leads to a trace on the opposite of the board. In the below screenshot the annotated ratsnest leads to the opposite of the board. While this is technically correct, when I turn off the bottom layer to aid in visualization it leaves the ratsnest line hanging in space. Is there a way to have the ratsnest stay on one side (selectable would be nice)?

What happens if all the other parts in the net are on the other side and no via has yet been placed?

I would imagine the ratsnest should point to the appropriate part on the opposite side. Would think this would be an easy algorithm.

Note I’m not necessarily supporting a change, it may be there is already and option for such a situation.

I was trying to understand your comment above.

The ratsnest kicad places is attached to the closest two parts, either a footprint or the end/direction change of a track. I was wondering how the “stay on one side & selectable” could be applied. That is all.

My initial thought was that there may be an option already in the program. I couldn’t find such in the documentation of going through the program.

But to answer your question: A rule that stated the ratsnest would go to a location on the same side if possible then go to the opposite side. Could this cause other issues? I don’t know, I haven’t thought that far.

There is not such an option.

For the first time* ever, I was wrong.

Checkout the reply right below mine.


*since my last cup of coffee.

I haven’t tried, but in another thread this came up:

Worth trying?

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Hey there! I came looking for this thread after seeing your post in the other one!

While the Net Display Options probably does what OP asked, I noticed a seemingly strange behavior. KiCad will continue showing you the ratsnest connections to the other side of the board while drawing a trace, regardless of that setting.

At first, I thought this didn’t make sense. However, I guess the idea is that when you draw a trace, it would provide some guidance on where you could drop a via.