Rats Nest does not follow net list

I’m new to KiCad. I just created a simple schematic and tried to run the PCB software. My first issue was getting the message “no footprints” even though I had associated footprints for all parts. I had to save the netlist again from the schematic capture side to fix this.

I then manged to import the net list and view the rat’s nest. However, some of the net connections shown are NOT correct (go between the wrong pins of parts). I checked against the net list file (nice that it’s in Ascii text format!) and the netlist matches the schematic. So I wonder what I’m doing wrong.

As a new member I can’t yet post the files for examination by anyone here, but maybe someone has seen this before and can give me a clue of where to look.

Oh I am running the latest PPA software for Linuxmint, 64bit (3.16.0-30-generic x86_64).

Maybe the pin numbers in the schematic don’t match the footprint pad numbers?
Adding local net labels to your schematic wires make it much easier to follow the pcb tracks in OpenGL view

I have to advise again that new users are wise to stick to the latest stable release. I don’t use Nightlies as I do PCBs for my job and need reliability

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any filehoster will work… just post the link.
zip the whole project (is a button for that in KiCAD main window).

As for your problem - what @davidsrsb said…