In an attempt to find the footprints for all of the parts on the tutorial’s schematic, I’ve been successful for all except for the voltage regulator part, which has a SOT-223 footprint. When I select that part, there is nothing that quite comes up for that:
If your installation downloaded the footprints to your local machine, look in the directory:
. . . \KiCad\share\kicad\modules\TO_SOT_Packages_SMD.pretty
The footprint file is called SOT-223.kicad_mod I have never used this footprint so I can’t vouch for its accuracy. You may want to add some more copper area to the tab, for heatsinking.
I am having this issue too. Did you resolve it?
Additionally, it seems whenever i run cvpcb it takes some time to compile. is it downloading anything in that time?
Which issue are you referring to? The usual suspects for problems with CVPCB are:
Setup of your schematic libraries, and the footprint libraries.
Access to the libraries hosted on Github
Missing, incomplete or out-of-date local libraries
These have been discussed in multiple threads.
I am quite pleased if you found my SOT-223 footprint either helpful (as a teaching example) or useful (in a layout).
p.s. - The KiCAD library system is NOT easy to understand. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are baffled after making an honest try to understand it.