Question: The coordinate system in KiCad PCB Editor

Hello, I’m not really familiar with coordinate systems, especially not in the KiCad circuit board editor.

Is this correct as I drew it and is the caption correct?

Maybe you want to read Coordinate system, grid and origins in the PCB Editor first.

Yes I read that. I would like to make a description of how to precisely align a component in the pcb.

These are the pictures I created for it. All I know is that the coordinate system starts at 0° on the right and
ends at 180° on the left. Above are the positive angles and below are the negative ones.

It was difficult for me to align the components correctly the first time, because I assumed Ps. So 360° and last position + or - change of direction.

As far as angle display is concerned, I’ve observed that the arc tool uses [0,360) but the dimension tool uses (-180,180]. Which probably makes sense in the former case, since negative arcs aren’t much use, and arcs like 270° are useful.

I remade the image again because I’m not sure what coordinate system is being used.

The FAQ article tells that the default coordinate system of the PCB editor starts from the upper left, and Y grows (positive) downwards. I’m not sure what your quadrants describe.

Yes, thanks.
The title is a bit misleading as I assumed it had something to do with the coordinate system. But it is only indirectly so. I now have the help ready so far.

I would be happy if you check out the eng. can check google translation.

See how polar coordinates looks like when it is turned on (middle of the status bar):

Maybe you want to add snap points (VIAS, for example) at precise angles of your board (use finest grid available).

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