I think, my understanding of the reach of net labels is correct!?
A “net label” is only recognized on the same hierachical sheet, but not in sub-sheets.
Different hierachical sheets can use the same net label without creating a sheet to sheet connection.
A “global label” is recognized throughout the entire schematic on all hierachical sheets.
Good for sheet to sheet connection.
Here is my question:
Is there a means to define a net that is valid in a hierarchical sheet and ALL its sub-sheets, but NOT in other hierarchical sheets?
This would be useful if several identical complex blocks need to be designed.
The documentation states it all. Labels in general:
Connecting between sheets with hierarchical pins:
I think what you call a “net label” is just a local label. AFAIK there is no way to have a local label whose scope encloses subsheets. The only connections are through hierarchical pins or global labels. It would cause a problem if a subsheet were reused elsewhere where the parent sheet does’t have the label.
The analogy in programming would be a function variaible that is in scope in inner functions. That causes a bit of complexity in programming languages, dealing with the closure. So the analogy is that only “parameters” and “globals” are allowed.