Question on copper pour

Hi all,

I tried adding filled zones and I not sure am I doing it correctly.

This is without the filled zones

and when I filled zone the layout I got this

which create an island that I do not want.

And I tried using the keepout areas I got this

My question is if I plot this into Gerber files would it be show correctly to the manufacturer for fabrication?
The island screenshot is not what I want because it show that the area is being shorted.
And do I have to do the keepout areas for other layers to be correctly filled with copper?

Thanks in advance for any feedback

which net is the zone to be supposed to have - GND or COUT?

In case your problem are the marked areas - have a look at the zone properties.
Especially thermal relief and setback.


If that’s not the problem, we need more info (what you want + what the problem is)

The zone have COUT as net

This Is what I have for the properties

And the answer to that question is?

Gerbers are Gerbers, you need to know if they are correct.
That’s why there are gerber viewers - one integrated into KiCAD even.



Name pads and footprints that have a problem if you can’t circle/mark them in a picture.
something like: C60/#1 has unfilled areas
or: Q16/#5 has gaps around to the fill

on the left is show an island, on the right is I have to put keepout area and the traces will be separated.

What I did was drawing along the board and have a big keep out and the top layer show the layout that what I wanted. And if I did not put the keepout area it will show an island and short the whole board.

My problem would be do I have to make a keepout area in order to have the traces shown on the right picture or is there a way when I add filled zones Pcbnew will know which to pour the copper. And do I have to make keepout area in other layers also.

What I assume is copper zone properties will zone out the area that is not connected to the traces and with the net label depending to the layers and will pour according to the layout.

I don’t think you understand what it is you are looking at. I don’t see any island and I don’t see why you think you need a keepout, nor do I see any short.

You do realize that there is more than one layer and these layers are seperated from one another?

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What is your native language?
Maybe someone here speaks it and you can better articulate what is going on…

If the board was shorted, there would be connections between different nets.
Please show us an example of that.

The zone will flood any area with the net that you have connected it to where there are no tracks or pads or keep out zones.
The net COUT of Q16 is the same net as COUT of Q17 - naturally the zone will connect them.
Electrically it is the same net!

If you want to flood the layer with GND pour and not COUT, change the net of the zone.

If you want any other layer (red = top, green = bottom, don’t know if you have more between there, 4 layer?) you have to create zones on those layers with the correct net assignment to have copper flooding there as well.

And yes, PCBnew will only flood areas that are free and can be reached from tracks, vias or pads of the same net the zone is set to.
This means, all tracks which are COUT will be connected to the copper zone with net set to COUT.

TL;DR: I still don’t understand what you want.

PS: a flooded island is something else. You don’t have a flooded island there. This is a flooded island:

My understanding of OP is that he wants to keep the two traces which come from the 9-hole Cout devices (Q16 & Q17?) on the left to the vertical trace of the right separated from each other, without flood filling the area between those traces.
Maybe the idea is to use the PCB trace as a sort of shunt to equalize the current between Q16 & Q17.

If this is what you want, then draw the fill zone polygon around it.

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