Hello everyone,
How to fix footprint malformed courtyard error?
Every footprint I import that has a non-rectangular courtyard is checked for these errors.
Or can I just ignore them?
Best regards,
Hello everyone,
How to fix footprint malformed courtyard error?
Every footprint I import that has a non-rectangular courtyard is checked for these errors.
Or can I just ignore them?
Best regards,
This courtyard check is similar to the Edge.Cuts check. The courtyard must be a closed continuous shape, every line must end where the next one starts. Apparently there are small gaps or overlaps in your footprints. Without having the footprint file it’s impossible to know exactly.
EDIT: it’s safe to ignore it as long as you know how close the parts can be put next to each other. KiCad can check for courtyard collisions if they are well-formed. But the courtyards and the check is actually pretty dumb, it doesn’t have any intelligence, it doesn’t really know how the parts can be placed, and they could be ignored altogether.
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