Hello, I am new to Kicad. I am trying to build footprint for QFN-56 8x8,0.5mm. Can someone help me with this? Thank you
Does the atch files help you? I think they came from https://github.com/cpavlina/kicad-pcblib
QFN50P800X800X90-56 (2).kicad_mod (6.3 KB)
QFN50P800X800X90-56.kicad_mod (6.3 KB)
What do you need help with?
Afaik no one here can read your mind nor has access to your machine…
That comment is relevant to several threads currently active on this Forum.
KiCAD is a set of very complex programs, all interrelated. If you are asking for help, it is easier to give effective assistance if you give a detailed explanation of what you are encountering and under what circumstances. A screen shot of the error message and/or what is showing on your display is often the most effective way to do this. (Fortunately, the Windows “Snipping Tool” makes this very easy to do. I hope the Linux users have something that works as well!) Sometimes an experienced user will see some detail or minor imperfection in a screen shot that points toward a problem’s solution!
And . . . tell us what you’ve already tried while looking for a solution to your problem, or an answer to your question. What threads, manuals, help files, etc have you already consulted. This information can help people identify the solution, or at least rule out some potential answers. MORE IMPORTANTLY . . . it demonstrates that you have the personal motivation to put some effort into solving your problem. People are much more inclined to help when they have some assurance that you’re not expecting the solution to be delivered to your door on a silver platter by a scarlet-coated postillion.
Hello, I am sorry. I should have give you more information. Please have a look this picture. I am trying to design this footprint. I tried to use default library but they have 57pins with 7.00 X 7.00 mm dimension. I know this maybe the easiest thing to design, But thank you guys for quick response.