Python Scripting - Convenient way to set scale?

Hi everyone,

I have just started using KiCad, and just started to use the Python scripting console.

I’m following along this guide, and have the following code:

import pcbnew;

board = pcbnew.GetBoard();

SCALE = 1000000.0;

boardbbox = board.ComputeBoundingBox();
boardx1 = boardbbox.GetX();
boardy1 = boardbbox.GetY();
boardwidth = boardbbox.GetWidth();
boardheight = boardbbox.GetHeight();

print("Position ({}, {}), width ({}, {})".format(
    boardx1, boardy1, boardwidth, boardheight));

I assumed initially that the SCALE variable was somehow automagically picked up by the KiCad Python interpreter, but the results were printed in the internal KiCad precision:

Position (126974999, 88874999), width (25450002, 25450002)

Is there some convenient way to tell the board object, “Hey, give me all measurements premultiplied by a scale factor”?

Edit: Well, if I’d read a bit further I would have seen the SCALE get used to divide everything. I could just write a wrapper function anyway.

Edit 2: I’ve just found the function pcbnew.ToMM() in the API, which appears to do exactly what I want.

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