Pushing a schematic into PCB editor in v8. Creating a proper project?

Hi all,
I’ve finally switched to v8 on my newest computer - while still keeping my old with a v5 for my old designs (I’m very paranoid…) - but I’m running into a workflow issue I can’t figure out cleanly. I’m sure I just have to change a bit the way I’m working to account for the version upgrade.

I am typically starting from putting together the schematic for the circuit I’m making the PCB for, instead of starting an actual project. So I did that this time around too. In v5, I’d then export a Netlist which would get pulled into PCB Editor and I’d be on my way.

In v8 I’m supposed to push the schematic into PCB Editor from within Schematic Editor with “Open PCB in board editor.” But if I do that, PCB Editor starts, but opens nothing.

I think I’d prefer to add my schematic to a proper project, and I assume that then maybe PCB Editor will correctly link itself to the schematic. Is this what I’m looking for? Ideally, I’d establish a correct workflow for myself. But for now, I at least need to link up the schematic with the board, and at best, add all of them to a project so everything is established correctly.

Thank you all for your help with this.

This is a horrible workflow. You are making it difficult for yourself. Use the normal workflow instead. First create a project in KiCad, and then start either the schematic editor or PCB editors from within the project. If you start either the schematic or PCB editors directly from the command line (or your OS, file browser etc) then KiCad works in Standalone mode and in this mode a bunch of things are missing. For example there is no link at all between the schematic and the PCB.

If you have an active project, then Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8] works just fine to update the PCB, either from the schematic editor, or from within the PCB editor. I think this was already available in V5, and V4 was the last version that worked with manual transference of the netlist. (It is still possible to create a netlist with KiCad V8 though, but it’s definitely not recommended for the normal workflow).

Also, with KiCad V5 there are some file issues. KiCad V5 depends on external libraries for the graphic representation of all schematic symbols. Normally it makes backups of these in [Project]-cache.lib and the [Project]-rescue.lib files. I am not even sure this works properly if you work without a project.

KiCad also depends on the project file for a lot of settings, such as for example customization of the ERC / DRC rule severities.

A bit of paranoia / caution is healthy, but you have to manage it in order to not let it dominate you. For me, a good middle ground is to make backups often. This lets me experiment with unfamiliar parts without having to worry about losing or maiming data.

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Thank you, and yes, that’s what I’m looking for here: a better workflow.

But more immediately, how to bring this project back together from these disjointed parts. The only thing I really created is the schematic for this project. But when I start the main Kicad application, it seems to think I have a project which contains my schematic, PCB, and BOM:
But the PCB doesn’t load from the schematic. It’s an empty PCB.

I guess my main question is how to connect the two so I’d make this project whole and connected?

Thank you.

Create a new project, then with KiCad closed replace the blank schematic in it with your existing schematic.

Well… stop press! What didn’t work last night seems to be working fine now. The PCB seems to be willing to update from the schematic, and it’s possible they are now connected together.
I have no explanation why this didn’t work last night, but I tried the same steps several times.
Anyway, maybe I’m sorted out. Thank you for your input!

“Connection” is simply by same basename. So if you rename files do that without KiCad running.

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The only thing needed for the connection is to have a project file,( [Project].kicad_pro), Schematic ([Project].kicad_sch) and PCB ([Project].kicad_pcb) and all with the same [Project] base name. There is also a [Project].kicad_prl file, but KiCad seems to create this file if it wants / needs to. Normally the name of the directory has the same name as the base name of the project, but I did a small test and apparently this is not mandatory.

For the rest the difference is as subtle of whether you open the schematic (or PCB) directly, or if you start the project manager first. If you start either the schematic or PCB editor in “Standalone” mode, then Update PCB from Schematic [F8] does not work, and if you attempt to do so, you get an error message:

It is also easy to verify whether the connection works. First start the project, and from there open both the schematic and PCB editors (or open PCB editor from the schematic, or schematic editor from within the PCB editor, as long as one is started from the project manager first) and then just click on either a schematic symbol or a footprint on the PCB. If there is a connection then KiCad highlights the symbol or footprint in the “other” program too. This works with any selection, and is called cross probing.

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