Published a KiCad V6 Getting Started Tutorial

Hi all. We just published a new tutorial on KiCad V6. It introduces KiCad V6 to absolute beginners and show them how to create their first schematic and PCB.

Your feedback is welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Link -


Thank’s for a good summary on how to get started with KiCad 6.

A few things I’d like to point out:
A 0,8mm via with 0,4mm drill will give an 0,2mm annular ring width (that is, 0,2mm on each side of the hole), corresponding to your figure. This is also how the setting in KiCad Board Setup works.
Blind Vias are vias that don’t go through the whole pcb stackup, but connect some inner layer(s) to the surface layer on one side only.
Buried vias are vias that connect between inner layers only, and don’t connect to the surface layer on either side of the pcb.
It seems the blind and buried vias are mixed up in both the text and the figures.


You are right. Thanks for pointing out the mistakes. I will fix them right away :slightly_smiling_face:

Been reading it just a short time thus far, but looking very well. A big thank you.

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For a beginner to KiCAD, this is a top document.
Well laid out and arranged, good job!
One wish: a .pdf version as well for using if travelling/offline.

Thank You for the effort. KiCAD documentation is going professional!

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It is very well written. I followed step by step just to see how well a beginner would do. It is great.

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Thank you @skyflyrr. We created the documentation in a progressive manner that a complete beginner can follow from 0 to 100. So instead of explaining things in a hierarchical order, as done with regular software documentation, we chose the “on-the-fly” explanation of topics with the help of an example. Hope that worked out.

Thank you @ML9104 for your feedback. Yes, a PDF version could be useful for offline reading. I think saving the page as a PDF will be good enough. Before exporting as PDF, you just need to use any ad-blocking plugin to hide the ads, and scroll all the way down to the footer so that all images will be loaded (images are lazy-loaded, and therefore you need to scroll the entire page to load all the images). I have just created one. Please check it out.

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