After hearing about everybody else’s sophisticated tools I am reluctant to admit that I use the Windows “Paint” program to enhance, embellish, and emphasize portions of screen-capture images. (Yeah, I know, “Paint” goes back to Win3.x) The sequence for that particular image was something like:
Open the datasheet in my web browser (Firefox) using the default *.PDF viewer.
Start the Windows “Snipping Tool”
Capture the area of interest as a rectangular snip.
Copy ( ctrl-C) the whole snip to the clipboard.
Start Windows “Paint”.
Paste (ctrl-V) the whole snip into “Paint”.
Use the tools in “Paint” to add the red rectangle around the Table entries; add text, etc.
Copy (ctrl-C) the entire edited image to the clipboard.
Paste (ctrl-V) the edited image into this Forum’s editor.