I have a project that was created with an old version of the USB_OTG symbol.
Loading the schematic causes a warning about rescuing the part. I untick Symbols to update - accept because I want the new symbol and correct the schematic for the new pin positions and save.
Close the project and reload and the same thing happens, the old symbol is stuck in the cache.
Does anyone know a way of updating where the new symbol sticks and updates the cache without getting the text editor out?
Workaround: save the file as you want it. Delete the cache.lib. Save again the project and a new cache.lib should be generated without the old components.
To me, the rescue option is a pain in the neck, I can’t figure out how it works (or maybe I’m too lazy to learn that part of the manual).
Experimenting with this project, deleting the cache.lib triggers detection of the USB_OTG symbol, and two more, led_small and fuse.
Substituting the fuse symbol is causing a new error in the netlist file, the symbol with ref is there, but no net to the pins is assigned. This is odd as the symbol drags attached wires correctly, the standard test for proper wire attachment.
This is on Windows Nightly.
I am experimenting with a simpler design with a complex hierarchy to replicate this on something I can post as a bug
Maybe the new fuse symbol has different size and the wires don’t match its pins?
I know you have experience with eeschema, but one never knows with these minor details…
It is smaller, but I always deliberately connect each pin, I have long learnt to make sure that pins really are connected.
Anyway, trying with 4.0.6 on Ubuntu, the netlists are correct after substitution and the recovery dialog goes away, so this is starting to smell like a Nightly bug