Problems with FreeCAD EdgeCut Export (solved)

I am trying to import a sketch from the tool FreeCAD(v0.20.1) into KiCAD(v6.0.8). Im am using the FreeCAD Plugin KiCADStepUp.

I managed to create a sketch (in this case just a simple circle) and I am trying to use the “Push Sketch to PCB” Option of the Plugin.

I choose the layer “Edge.Cuts” and a Line Width of 0.16. After that I select a *.kicad_pcb file (in this case an empty file).

But FreeCAD is only reporting the following error message. I have no Idea what to do now.

Can anybody please help me?

Thank you very much.

Hi @StephanO
would you please post your kicadStepUp version?
Could you also please post the kicad_pcb file?
(In private message eventually)

My KiCADStepUp Version is v10.7.4.

Please find my kicad_pcb file below:

Erster_Sketch_Exporttest.kicad_pcb (1.9 KB)

hi @StephanO
from the file you posted I have no issue…
The error you had is related to the absence of the setup internal section of the kicad_pcb file…
I remember that there was a kicad version which was missing to create this internal data section…
anyway in the file you posted the section is present and I can push the edge inside the pcb file without issues…
could you please test again with the file downloaded from this thread?

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Hi maui.

Thank you for your reply. After I read your post, I found the problem. I created a new KiCAD project and tried to push the sketch to the PCB before I have ever opened the *.kicad_pcb file. So there was no setup section inside the file, because KiCAD is writing the section during the first opening of the kicad_pcb-file.

The file I uploaded in my last post was already opened, so there is a setup sectoin. I didn’t know that KiCAD is doing it this way.

But after I read your comment, I realized that there is a difference between complete new files and files that were already opened… So thank you very much for bumping my nose into this.


thanks for your detailed feedback…
I just updated StepUp to workaround this issue.

Please consider that in general it is useful to assign, inside kicad_pcb file a mechanical reference, placing “grid origin” and/or "place origin’ in a convenient location.
I normally use grid origin, which is the default reference used also in FreeCAD as origin for sketches.
(it is possible to configure StepUp to use aux origin instead).

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