Problems with adding new symbols and footprints

I am new to kicad and don’t seem to correctly understand the workflow of adding new symbol / footprint pairs yet.

My procedure is the following:

Here is the my_lib.kicad_sym file which contains the data for the symbol I want at the bottom and looks just fine: pastemyst | my_lib.kicad_sym

I have also added it to my symbol libraries.

Non the less the symbol doesn’t show up.

Does someone have an idea what my mistake is here?
Thanks in advance.

How did you do that ? can you show it in your list of libraries ?

I have added it as shown at the bottom of the image:

OK, so when you go to add a new symbol you should be able to fund that Library in the list ? then expand it and you should find your symbol ? Have a look and let us know what you find . . .

I want to note: while it is probably useful to figure out the process of adding and using custom libraries, it also makes very little sense to me to import a SMD capacitor from LCSC. Just use KiCad’s built-in Device:C symbol and the appropriate footprint (Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric)


Right, that makes much more sense. Still, shouldn’t it show up the way I added it?

Your library file is invalid, it has an extra close-paren before the symbol C1608X5R1E475KT000E. It seems like this program easyeda2kicad is generating invalid symbol libraries.

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