I hope someone can help me here. I made myself an eagle library with 5 symbols and 5 footprints (->5 SMPS Transformers).
I would like to convert this library to kicad .lib and .mod files with the eagle-lbr2kicad-1.0.ulp.
so far so good.
The Symbols are all fine in the schematic editor, but i can’t open the footprints
Any ideas what i am doing wrong? Has this something to do with the part prefixes?
.mod is the old format… KiCAD runs with .kicad_mod files in .pretty folders nowadays.
You probably can change the footprint library type in the footprint lib manager to make it work… needs to be ‘Legacy’.
Thanks for the tip, but it didn´t solve my problem…
The interesting thing is that i can see one footprint in the footprint editor but not the other four.
I made a little workaround by creating 5 single eagle libs and converted them to kicad files.
it works now but i think i did some unnecessary work for that however still less work than drawing every footprint in kicad again
I wonder if it is somehow possible to convert a hole library at once with this ulp, maybe i´m just using it wrong…
I’m not sure how this ULP works, but if you upload your EAGLE parts on SnapEDA, you have the option to export them to KiCAD there too. Just go here to upload an lbr: http://bit.ly/29W1F6Y. Once you do that, the parts will be available under your account, and you can choose to export them to KiCad. Let me know if you need help as the user experience for this feature can be a bit confusing sometimes.
Ealge allows you to Make Lib parts with out setting prefix, IE: C for Cap’s, R or resistor,
T for transistor … etc, the conversion script spot’s this, warns you about it, and them puts
I default of M for the prefix, if I remember correctly. So that mean’s any parts which
Have no prefix in the Eagle lib will be converted to M(auto Generated number)
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