Problem with Footprint Editor on KiCAD 5.1.4

Dear All,

I have a big problem this morning with KICAD 5.14, when i open the Footprint Editor, the layer “Edge Cuts” is grayed and not active!! In note it’s also for the layer “Margin”. It’s impossible to draw or modify outline of a component!!l.
With PCB all is OK, i see all layers.
Could you help me, i have to manage an important CAD project?
Best regards,

Why do you still use version 5.14? The current stable version is 7.0.<something>, Version 8.0 will be released in a few months.

The layer Edge.Cuts is disabled by intention. For the outline you can use F.CrtYd

Adding more ! doesn’t help anyone.

In older versions (such as V5) it was disabled for editing, but if you manually moved graphic lines to the Edge.Cuts layer (with a text editor) then they did stay there.

In Newer KiCad versions you can draw lines on the Edge.Cuts layer in a footprint, but the normal rules still apply: Edge.Cuts must be a closed shape with no overlaps or open ends. (Extra non-overlapping “holes” are allowed).

This suggest that yesterday it was working. I don’t think so. In V5 I have never seen possibility to edit Edge Cuts in footprint.

Yesterday was probably the first OP tried to draw a line on Edge.Cuts in a footprint :slight_smile:

5.1.4 is over four years old. The V5.1 .x series finished with 5.1.12, which had a lot of bug fixes over 5.1.4. If you really must work in V5, I would upgrade to 5.1.12.

If possible backup the old project and upgrade to current stable 7.0.8


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