Pressfit component


I have a pressfit component that I want to add to my PCB but I was wondering how to do the footprint.
Do I have to create every pins as through hole then put my via once I am working on it on Pcbnew ?
Is there a special way to create pressfit components with the footprint editor ?

Thanks in advance


datasheet of said component would help… and usually contains all the necessary information you need to get it right.

Uh?! :confused:


Here is the datasheet:

Best regards


Where is the problem? What do you struggle with?
All info is there.
2 mechanical holes and 12x ? holes for the press-fit contacts.

Just create a footprint with those in there + the auxiliary information (silkscreen, pin 1 mark, ref/val, courtyard…)

I just have to do my pin as through hole ?
I thought since it’s a press fit component it would be different

Best regards


According to their datasheet it’s a simple PTH, different diameter though, depending on column-count.
Make sure your board-house is able to produce those holes within the specced tolerances, otherwise those press-fit mechanics might not work properly.

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just a plated trough-hole

pay attention to the dimensions,

finished hole versus drill-diameter