I recently upgraded to Version 6 (which for the most part is looking very clean and tidy, thank you). One area that is still confusing the heck out of me, even after all these years, are the Power Ports. To give you some background, I started working in Orcad in the 80’s, and whatever I used as my port name, that became the net name for the connected circuit in question. Fast forward to Protel 99 in the late 90’s, same story, then Altium in the early 2000’s. All were consistent and there was little confusion in this regard. So why does Kicad insist on reinventing the wheel on this one? I have spent the better part of an hour looking for definitive answers, and all I have found is other peoples equal confusion on the matter with what appear to be workarounds for what should otherwise be a simple task. IE place port of choice (circle, diamond, bar etc.) give it a name (eg 3V3) and voila, that net is 3V3, and all other apparently disconnected nets with the same name are in fact connected!
Instead it is my understanding that apart from the standard power ports, you have to go and create a new power port component every time you have something a little different. I did read one users discussion, where he said he simply uses a PWRFLAG for his power rail, but the problem with that is if you have multiple supplies (as I have, IE -3V, +3V, +3V3, +5V, +24V) then they all get connected together!
I have also tried creating new Power Ports for my +3V and -3V (along with using the standard 5V rail) but I noticed that they all get connected to the same Net called VCC. If I open them up in the symbol editor, I can change their “value” (eg 3V3) but it still shows VCC, and connects all my rails together. The only place I see VCC appearing in the settings is if I look at the symbol in the schematic, and go to “Alternate Pin Assignments” tab. There it lists “Base Name” as VCC, but it is not editable.
so, how are we meant to change the Power Port name easily and prevent all our power nets from being mashed into one lump? Better yet, when will Kicad follow industry convention and just make the Power Ports symbols where you edit the name → Name = net.
Sorry for the bleating, but wow, this just seems like something very simple has been forced to be unreasonably complicated.