Possible to delete a segment of a straight graphical line?

More specific to my case, is it possible to change he outline of the board without having to delete the entire side and redraw it? This seems like an obvious thing to want to do, but I can’t find anyone else who’s asked it so it must be so obvious I’ve missed it?

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Found my answer: In this video Chris deletes an entire outline edge to revise its shape. Maybe this just isn’t a feature that other people really miss?

You can delete (or edit) the board outline segment-by-segment. If one side of the outline is a single segment then you will delete that entire side.

Simply hover the cursor over the outline segment and apply the usual keystroke: right-click, delete, “R”, “E”, “M”, “ctrl-M”, etc. The OpenGL canvas can be a little cantankerous about how accurately the cursor is positioned, so you may have to zoom in by a few steps. In OpenGL you can split a segment into two parts with “Create Corner”. The vocabulary and nomenclature will seem strange at first: to edit a shape, select “Properties” in OpenGL or “Edit Drawing” in Default; the “Delete Drawing” selection only deletes the selected item, not the entire drawing.


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In open gl simply left click the line segment. There should appear squares at the end points. You can drag the end point markers to change the position of the end point. If you drag any point on the line you move the complete line.
No deletion required.

Sadly the graphical lines are not poly lines as soon as you place them. Which means moving one corner only moves the end of the line segment you have selected.

Switching between canvases is done under view.

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This is useful for those scenarios where one begins with a rectangle/square shaped outline and later wants to add curved edges to the corners.